Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Addition

August 18, 2009.
I had been put on bed rest for a week due to high blood pressure. Before leaving for South bend to go to the wedding (July 30), our specialist after an ultrasound recommended an amnio because they est. the baby 7lbs 9 oz at 35 wks. I agreed even though my ob had told me I wouldn't need to worry about size or an amnio since I was having a c-section. But I thought if things weren't going well we would at least know if her lungs are good.
July 30 on my way to ND, I had to go for a NST (fetal stress test, that measures heart rate and movement), she failed her stress test after 2 hrs, had to go for a bpp (special ultrasound), she passed. (had to actually meet Neil and Ellen in South Bend), Then the next day while in Indiana, started spotting, but no contractions, I have a rented fetal Doppler, so everything was ok. Saturday/Sunday I noticed she wasn't moving enough 5 kicks in 1 hr or even 10 in 2. We came back and I had to go to L & D. of course once hooked up, she moves.
At 36 wks. My blood pressure went up, 150's/100's even with med increase. I wasn't pre-eclamptic, just put on bed rest. Her heart rate was a lil high, but I passed my NST and BPP.
At 37 weeks, I went for my bpp and amnio. The specialist said we need to call your OB, you don't enough amniotic fluid! You may have to deliver early. I was released after another fetal stress test.
The next morning we were officially scheduled for a c-section. Thank God I scheduled that amnio or things could've gotten worse!
August 19,
After a nerve wrecking night, we dropped Ellen off with papa and told him we were on our way to have a baby. We arrived at 11am, was hooked up for a fetal stress test, and given my IV. At 1pm I found out the same Ob that delivered Ellen came out of retirement for the day to help assist my Ob in delivering Natalie. At 1:25 I was prepped, Neil joined us and watched the c-section, gross! The neonatal team joined us last, they were there because in diabetics, the lungs are the last to develop and that was part of the concern in delivering at 37 weeks.
They announced, the head is out, and I held my breath, but then after the longest 2 seconds I heard the sweetest little cry. The let me peek at her, I thought she looked chubby but tiny! The dr's cleaned her up, took her and Neil to recovery while I was finished up. We were guessing she was maybe 7 lbs, Neil had guessed 8.
To my surprise our 3 week early baby weighed in at 8lbs! She was given a clean bill of health!
My friend Erin (Natalie's God mother), Aunt Tara, Grandma, Papa, and The Big Sister Ellen came to visit. Ellen has really taken to her big sister role and loves her sister Natwee! She liked visiting us, buying her sister presents, and hated leaving us.
After 48 hrs, I was ready to leave! So I was released from the hospital and have been loving and enjoying my little family! I am very thankful for everyone, my husband, daughters, Mom and Dad Abbott, Aunt Tara, Grandma Farrell, Erin and other family and friend.
Thank you for helping us, supporting us, and just being there for us! Thank you for all if the prayers, and well wishes!

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